
Want to be a Champion Partner?

What would our world look like if we approached philanthropy differently? What if we could unlock the biggest lever of positive change? That lever: women and girls! But less than 2% of all philanthropic dollars support female-facing organizations. That’s a startling statistic!

Do you want to help raise the percentage? Then consider becoming a Champion Partner!

We believe in the power of collaboration. By partnering with the Giving List Women, not only will you help move the needle, but you will also be able to broaden your reach and amplify your impact. Show to the world that your company is interested in social responsibility, proving to conscious consumers that you are committed to investing in the community, local and global! Give people more reasons to meaningful connect with your brand.

And of course, when you engage with the Giving List Women, we’ll champion you, too! Let’s show the world what focused synergy can accomplish.

Let’s move the needle faster, farther, and deeper together! Join our team and let’s make a difference!

2024/25 Champion Partners:

2024 Local Summit Sponsors: